ARRL Field Day 2024


Mark Your Calendars for June 22 – 23

Field Day is coming up this weekend! SBARA will operate our KU6S field station in Fremont Central Park on Saturday. The location is next to the first parking lot on Sailway Drive. You can join us for station setup beginning 9am on Saturday. Operation will begin at 11am Pacific.

Many of us will also operate our own stations from home, and we can all contribute to a Club Score for SBARA.

Use your own callsign when operating from home. Your station class will be 1D EB (One home transmitter, East Bay section). Look up "ARRL Field Day Rules 2024" for information on other station classes. You can submit a log through the Field Day website. Be sure to select "South Bay Amateur Radio Association" for your club affiliation. A log with a few dozen contacts is easy to submit, and club members are ready to help if you haven't done it before.

Class D (home) stations may work all other Field Day stations, including other Class D stations, for points. This year, all class D, E, and F stations will be limited to 100 W PEP output.

An aggregate club score will be published by ARRL — just as it was done last year. The aggregate score will be a sum of all individual entries that attributed their score to that of a specific club.

Useful Links:

To contact the SBARA Field Day Committee, click here