SBARA Leadership Team 2025


PresidentSteve WilsonK6WW
Vice President(vacant)
SecretaryCharles WinegardenKK6IPR
Treasurer (Acting)Al RendonWT6K
Past PresidentTony MonroeW6SFI


KU6S TrusteeBernhard HailerAE6YN
Quarter MasterStephen RishtonAG6TT
Raffle Chair(Position Open)
Refreshments Chair(Position Open)
Membership ChairTony MonroeW6SFI
Web MasterVincent TaiKM6VHD
Compliance ManagerSteve WilsonK6WW
First Aid/Safety Manager(Position Open)
Program CoordinatorSteve WilsonK6WW
Newsletter EditorBill ArteltWB9YVM
Board Member at LargeAl RendonWT6K

Event Chairs:

Field Day CoordinatorAl RendonWT6K
Primavera CoordinatorTony FluscheAB6BR
Exam Coordinator(Position Open)


Past SBARA Officers

Board of Directors Meeting

The SBARA Board of Directors is scheduled to take place on the fourth Monday of every month, except December. However on rare occasions, the meetings may be rescheduled or cancelled.

The meeting is brought to order around 7:30pm by the club president, followed by a welcome and a discussion of the meeting agendas. The meeting generally runs for about 60 to 90 minutes. The proceedings are regularly recorded by the Secretary and the minutes posted to the board for review.

Meeting Schedule and Location
DATE: The 4th Monday of the month except December
TIME: 19:30 Hours PST
WHERE: If you would like to attend, please contact a board member for the planned location.
The board members can be reached from the Contact Us page.