SBARA Club Meetings

Member's Meetings

The SBARA Club Member's meeting takes place on the second Friday of every month, except as noted in the schedule below. The meeting is brought to order around 7:30pm, followed by a welcome and introduction of new members, new licencees, visitors and guests. Everyone is encouraged to talk about any exciting projects they have been working on or have made any new contacts recently. The raffle chairman highlights the items being raffled off for the evening. A brief summary of recent club activities and plans is announced by the presiding officer. A short break enables members to mingle and check out the raffle items, and an nice array of snacks is also available for everyone. Highlight of the meeting is a presentation / demonstration by a special invited guest speaker, on topics of mutual interest and relevance to amateur radio. The meeting concludes by around 9:30pm.

Member's Meeting Schedule and Location
DAY: 2nd Friday of Every Month (except as noted in the schedule below)
TIME: 19:30 Hours PST
LOCATION: Hurricane Electric
48233 Warm Springs Blvd
Fremont, CA 94539
Google Maps link
Park in the large parking lot on the south side of the building.
Note that this is not the same Hurricane Electric building we used pre-pandemic!


Meetings Schedule for 2024
July 12, 2024 Field Day recap; Wayne Burdick N6KR of Elecraft gives a talk, "Designing the Elecraft KH1: From Vision to Reality"
June 14, 2024 Discussion about Field Day plans
May 10, 2024 Kristen McIntyre K6WX, ARRL First Vice President, discusses the ARRL and recent events there
April 12, 2024 Rich Harrington KN6FW discusses radio direction finding
March 8, 2024 Martin Rothfield W6MRR discusses amateur radio and ballooning
February 9, 2024 Dr. Richard G. Ranson G3ZTB presents on "Care and Feeding of your NanoVNA"
January 12, 2024 Winter Field Day Discussion

Past Presentations
December 8, 2023 No in-person meeting; instead, we have an online informal meeting on Zoom
November 10, 2023 Jerry Lucha W6OJE discusses modeling antenna coverage with software, using the WA6PWW repeater antenna as an example
October 13, 2023 Don Jones K6ZO discusses operating from Malawi
September 8, 2023 John Kruk N9UPC, Yaesu National Sales Manager, presents about Yaesu System Fusion
August 11, 2023 Tim Duffy K3LR, CEO of DX Engineering, discusses the history of the K3LR contest station
July 14, 2023 Field Day Recap
June 9, 2023 Field Day Plans
May 12, 2023 Ed Fong WB6IQN discusses antenna designs
April 14, 2023 In-person social
August 13, 2021 ICOM IC-705 QRP Transceiver, presented by Will Jourdain AA6WJ of ICOM America
July 9, 2021 EmComm Mutual Aid in a Digital World, presented by Dan Goldstein, ARRL East Bay Section Emergency Manager
ARRL Field Day recap
June 11, 2021 ARRL Field Day planning meeting
May 14, 2021 Elk Antennas by Jim Siemons (W6LK)
April 9, 2021 Yaesu Presentation by John Kruk N9UPC, National Sales Manager
March 12, 2021 CW Academy Presentation by Arkady NU6N
February 12, 2021 Quartzfest (Rob KC6TYD et al.)
January 15, 2021 Using JS8CALL for digital HF communications
December 11, 2020 Special Social Meeting This Month, HAPPY HOLIDAYS !
November 13, 2020 Ham Shack Show and Tell, moderated by Jay King, W2AFE
October 9, 2020 Fremont Fire Department Drones, by Gary Ashley, Battalion Chief
September 11, 2020 Online Meeting: "MESH Network plans for the East Bay Section by Mathison Ott, KJ6DZB"
August 14, 2020 Online Meeting: "Connecting Radios to Computers, for Digital Communications" by Steve Rishton AG6TT, et al
July 10, 2020 Online Meeting & Presentation: "Emergency Communications by Winlink, and the Red Cross Drill" by Jay King W2AFE & Bernhard Hailer AE6YN (slide deck)
June 12, 2020 Online Meeting & Presentation: Field Day 2020 by SBARA Field Day Coordinators
May 8, 2020 Online Meeting & Presentation: Fremont Fire Department Operations by Captain Chris Burgardt, Fremont Fire.
April 10, 2020 Online Meeting & Presentation: Tour of East Bay Field Day Sites, by Jim Siemons W6LK, ARRL East Bay Section Manager.
March 13, 2020 Triband Antenna Concept by Ed Fong -- CANCELLED (due to COVID-19)
February 21, 2020 Jeff Alrith KM6EAI, SFO Emergency Coordinator (date changed due to Valentine's Day)
January 10, 2020 Summits on the Air by Alex Garcia KK6ZLY, Hayward Radio Club & EMS Responder Alameda County
June 14, 2019 SBARA Field Day
May 10, 2019 DXpedition to KH1 Baker Island, John Miller
April 12, 2019 Finding and Eliminating Receive Noise, by Gary Johnson NA6O
February 12, 2019 Enigma Code Machine, by Ralph Simpson
January 14, 2019 CA QSO Portable by Tony Monroe W6SFI
November 9, 2018 Solar Physics, by Robert O'Neil N5VD
August 10, 2018 DMR Radio by Peter Liljequist, AA6PL
July 13, 2018 Batteries by Rachael Kinoshita KK6DAC (slide deck)
June 8, 2018 SBARA Field Day 2018
April 13, 2018 Linux Hamshack PC by Tony Monroe, W6SFI (slide deck)
March 9, 2018 "Contest University" by DX Engineering
February 9, 2018 Puerto Rico Emcomm by Joe Pistritto, N3CKF (slide deck)
January 12, 2018 3D Printing by Rick Powell, N6CHC
November 10, 2017 Cal OES Vehicle - Dan Bennett & Ron Suszar, San Mateo County Multi Communications Unit
October 13, 2017 Parachute Mobile - Rob KC6TYD
September 8, 2017 Field Day Stations - Bernhard Hailer
August 11, 2017 D-Star/DMR/Fusion Radios - Peter Liljequist
July 14, 2017 Portable Repeaters - Dan Bennett, San Mateo County Sheriff's Office
June 9, 2017 SBARA Field Day 2017 - Al Rendon, WT6K & Bernhard Hailer, AE6YN
May 12, 2017 Movie: The Last Field Day
April 14, 2017 Satellites - Umesh Ghodke, K6VUG
March 10, 2017 Homebrew - Steve Wilson, KA6S
February 10, 2017 I Want That - HRO New Toys - Don Anastasia, AA6W
January 13, 2017 Digital Radio Modes & NBEMS - Bernard Hailer, AE6YN